"To nourish children and raise them against odds
is in any time, any place, more valuable
than to fix bolts in cars or design nuclear weapons."

- Marilyn French

Monday, September 27, 2010

Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea...

Saturday Carter, Vivi, Jill, Alina and myself went to the Tennessee Aquarium. I was not too enthused to visit the fish ,seeing as I'm pretty sure its the same fish from our 3rd grade field trip- but its amazing how things change when you have children. ...
My parents and sister have an exchange student living with this this year- her name is Alina and she is from Germany. She will graduate Notre Dame with Jill in May, then (hopefully) Jill will go live with her family for a year. Alina came to Chattanooga in July- since it was summer ,we spent our weekends at our lake house. Now that the weather is turning cooler we are spending more time at home and mom decided it was time to show Alina some sights around Chattanooga...thus the Aquarium trip.

The night before i was not very thrilled to spend the day schlepping around in the dark aquarium, with my probably screaming 2 month old- but when i thought about my child seeing all of this for the first time I instantly saw the trip in a new light. I was excited to put on his turtle overalls and tell him all about the fish and other animals we would see. I was thrilled to think about pushing around his stroller and see him watching the lights on the ceiling. I was hoping that he would get to touch  stingray or a butterfly would land on him. I know he would never remember any of this...but thats what film is for right ?

Carter made it through the first (old) part of the aquarium, but slept thru the second half. He got to see lots of fish and he even touched a snake.
I can't wait for all of the stuff i get to show him for the first time....

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