"To nourish children and raise them against odds
is in any time, any place, more valuable
than to fix bolts in cars or design nuclear weapons."

- Marilyn French

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Whatever happened to my Translyvania Twist ?

I suppose I am making it "blog" official...after much deliberation and grief- There will be no Halloween Party this year. Due to lack of venue, we will be unable to host the party I know all of you wait for every year. Since Buffalo Wild Wings moved locations, it was difficult for us to find another location that..well..frankly was free and didn't care what we did to the place. We had a pretty sweet deal at BWW- as before mentioned it was free and there was no way to possibly (with out burning it down) destroy a big empty room with no lighting or heat/air. The back room at buffalo came with cheap kegs, painted black floors and its own authentic cobwebs and spiders. Our party garage had horrible acoustics, slippery floors and a funny smell- but it was OURS! For 5 years, Doug, myself and various other close friends would arrive days before the party - we would sweep up 10lbs of cigarette ash and old chicken bones, overload the outlets with light-up jack-o-lanterns, duct tape ghouls and monsters to the walls and staplegun hundreds of lights to the banisters. (do I need to reiterate they didnt care what we did?)

Our Halloween Party tradition started in 2002 with a simple party at Dougs house in Red Bank, the following year we hosted the party in the club house at Cameron Hill where we lived. In 2004 the party was held at our house on Helen Lane- then in 2005 the BWW  series started. We have several of our close friends who have never missed a Dough/Michele Halloween party and some who have only attended one or two- but I remember them all. I remember all of the amazing costumes and all of the half-assed costumes, I remember the props and I remember the music by DJ Hepatitis G. We had a great run, and maybe if the City lifts the "required security and alcohol permit" rule we will have a party in 2011. But as of now, the garland and skeletons are packed away in a rubbermaid tote, no homemade costume has been started, and Skeletor is hanging in our shed patiently waiting for his next appearance.
Halloween is our favorite (we waiting til Halloween night to take the pregnancy test to find out we were expecting...while watching The Shining...dont judge us...) and we are very excited to share Carters first Trick-or-Treating experience- but a part of us will be mourning the loss of our party. Here are my favorite pictures from the past 5 years! Enjoy!...we sure did :-)


  1. that's so sad! I was wondering about this year, glad I made it to quite a few of those to be able to share in those memories! :)

  2. um...i actually had a costume this year. damnit, michele...

  3. I, too, was wondering if you guys would do anything. It's going to be a great Halloween anyway. It's soooooo much fun dressing up with the kids and taking them trick-or-treating. Have fun!!!!!
